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You’re part of the Krispy Kreme family. That’s why we’re focused on helping you—and your family—stay happy and healthy. With our great selection of benefits, you have the tools you need to tend to your physical fitness, attain emotional well-being and put the financial plans in place to achieve a prosperous future. It’s a comprehensive package that supports the fact that Krispy Kremers are complex individuals with a wide range of unique personal needs.

If You Just Started Working for Krispy Kreme

If you’re a new Krispy Kremer, you must enroll within 30 days of the date you were hired. Your benefits will be effective on your 31st day of employment. If you don’t enroll, you will default to “no coverage” for all benefits, except basic life insurance. Your benefit elections will remain in place for the current plan year unless you experience a qualifying life status change, like getting married, divorced or having a baby.

KEEP IN MIND! If you don’t take action within the first 30 days of your employment, you’ll have no benefits coverage other than basic life insurance (full-time Krispy Kremers only).

Krispy Kreme hosts an Open Enrollment period every year in the fall! This is a two-week event that allows all Krispy Kremers to change their coverage for the coming calendar year.


Hankering for the perfect mix of Krispy Kreme’s freshest benefits? Start by sifting through these enrollment basics.

Enrolling Your Family Members

You may enroll your legally married spouse and your eligible child(ren). To enroll your family members, you will need to provide each person’s full name, date of birth and Social Security number.

Ready to Enroll?

When you’re ready to enroll, visit mykkbenefits.com, our enrollment system. You’ll need to log in to begin making your selections. You’ll click Menu, then hover over Myself, and choose Benefits.

If you get stuck, don’t worry. You can always contact the Benefits Enrollment phone number at 855-730-8654 for assistance.

Enrollment Resources